Clusters of Activity

Communities, Energy, and Oceans

Visa impulsionar uma gestão mais eficiente e inteligente da energia, dos recursos e dos serviços. Pretende-se promover a descarbonização, através da economia circular e da transição energética, priorizando as energias renováveis e caminhando para a neutralidade carbónica.

Health and Pharma

Support the entities of this ecosystem by providing analysis of the critical data generated, while maintaining the inherent security and integrity.

Industry and Maintenance

It aims to meet the needs of the Industry 4.0 era, through the use of innovative technologies, data intelligence, and predictive maintenance methodologies, enabling increased operational efficiency and productivity, and cost reduction.

Agriculture, Forestry and Biodiversity

It aims to promote the digital and ecological transition of organizations in order to achieve the goals of the European Climate Pact and Nature Conservation, and to provide an economically and environmentally friendly integration.


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